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What time can I see the Christmas light and sound show?

I will be runing the show every night from Dec 1, to Dec 31, 5:30pm to 10pm Sun-Thu and 5:30pm to 11pm Fri-Sat.




How do you make the lights Dance to the music?

A Light-O-Rama Electronic Controller is used to make the lights blink, fade, shimmer, etc. It's basically a bunch of electronic switches that are controlled by a computer. By using Light-O-Rama's software, I can program every millisecond to have a set of lights do whatever I chose it to do - on/off shimmer, etc. I am running 48 different channels. In other words, I control 48 outlets that the lights are plugged into so I can control 48 different effects all at once. It takes me anywhere from 1 - 2 1/2 hours to sequence one minute of a song.

How can I hear the music over the radio?

I bought a low powered FM transmitter that broadcasts radio waves a few hundred feet. It just plugs into the headphone jack on my computer and will transmit whatever the computer is playing. I have it setup to transmit on 90.1 FM . Tune into this channel while watching the lights and enjoy. I Also have outdoor speackers so the music can be enjoyed outside the vehicles. 



How long does it take you to set up?

Every year its getting bigger and taking longer. The outside light setup takes about  10 days; but there are many many hours put into programming the lights to dance with the music. The reality is lm wroking on one thing or another all year. For example the deers and angel and the Bear were regular lights and had to be stripped and rewired with LED lights and tinsel added. The mini trees were built from tomato stands and one from a palet, several of my extension cords were made to length and the radio sign is made out of a board drilled with holes and LED lights inserted.The singing trees took many hours themselves to build  The donation box,signs,Sinnging Trees and roof stars were also DIY projects. Finally this web page as well as my Facebook page had to be updated.

How many lights are there.

I'm running thousands of lights. 98% of them are energy efficient led bulbs.

How Long is the show

The show is about 20 minutes and continually cycles through the songs. 

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